Sunday, September 4, 2016

Digital Blog Post #A

     Over the years technology has advanced more and more rapidly. From the first computer in 1946 being "about 1,800 square feet and used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, weighing almost 50 tons" to modern day where the same information and more can be accessed by a device that fits in your pocket.  With technology becoming so advanced and easily accessible it has become an invaluable tool in the class room. In current school age children total daily media usage is in the range of 5:40 to 8:40 a day. With the increase in the use of technology at a younger age it is becoming apparent how valuable it can become in the classroom. 

    Another topic of technology in the classroom that has become both helpful and sometime disruptive is the portability and accessibility of modern technology to the every day consumer. Today devices such as laptops, tablets and smart phones can be found everywhere. Technology has become so small and transportable that any student with a smartphone has the entire internet at their finger tips which can be helpful in learning. but this can also lead to class disruptions. But not all small technology has succeeded like the smart phone. In 2012 Google came out with Google Glasses a wearable technology device but it had a very short popularity despite it being cutting edge for it time. Please read this New York Times article for more information Why Google Glass Broke

     A third concept from the text book that I found interesting was what technology is required in the classroom. I am kind of young to say this but I believe that a good teacher can connect with their students with out the use of technology. This being said I'm not saying there should not be technology in the classroom .Like every tool in a tool box it has its place. It can not only bring new and interesting ideas and concepts to students but also make it easier for the teacher to bridge that interest gap for some students and develop that learning bond. 

     In society everything has its place. Technology in the classroom defiantly has its place when used appropriately. As with everything in the classroom you should evaluate how productive of a learning tool it will be as well as how much fun or interesting it can be for your students. Check out this cool video below about future technologys that can be coming to your class room.


Bilton, N. (2015). Why Google Glass Broke. Retrieved September 04, 2016, from

H. (2015). 5 Technologies That Will Change Classroom Education. Retrieved September 04, 2016, from
 Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.